Wow, it has been 20 years since I graduated from high school. It does not seem possible! There were only 6 of us but it was still fun. (two are missing from this picture so I am assuming they were at the bar getting beer when Michael snapped this picture.) Yes, I was the only female so I was spoiled a little.

Tim, my best friend from high school, drove all the way from San Antonio,
TX. On Saturday we spent a few hours at my parents house watching football and then we spent some more time watching
KU football later that evening. It had been 10 years since we had seen each other. I wish we lived closer because I miss him
sooooooooo much!!

My sister and her family came up for the weekend so I was able to spend some time with my

Here is my mom with her musical
KU pen. She could not find her pen at the beginning of the game and she says that is the reason for
KU losing but she still had fun pushing the button and dancing to the
KU fight song every time the
Jayhawks did something good. I had more fun making fun of mom than watching the game! Love you mom!