Well, many of my gifts belong in the kitchen or are food related items. My Mom and Dad got me a cool 9x13 glass Pyrex dish with handles and a lid. I have never seen this before and I was so excited about it but my Mom kept yelling at me "the sides, look at the sides Nicole". Oh, I finally figured it out.
One side says NICOLE

The other side says SWEET TREATS

I loved it so much that I went today to get the 8x8 glass dish. Maybe I should get that one personalized also!!!

Michael got me a 6-quart camp oven. We will have fun trying new recipes while we are camping!

My work friends and office mates will be happy with this years daily recipe calendar.

Cass and I have been busy today redeeming our gift cards. My sister got me a Bed, Bath and Beyond gift card and I bought myself the glass lock containers that I have been wanting but just did not want to spend the money on them. Thanks Sister!!!

Cass got a gift card to Claires from her wonderful dad to get her ears double pierced. (by the way Michael told her there was no way she was getting her ears pierced again) Michael took her out to lunch and then to the mall today. She is very happy!!

Santa left Cass a gift card to design her own Nike shoes and this is what she came up with.

What a busy day so far! I have also taken down all of the Christmas stuff!