Unfortunately, it had been years since we had seen Mike so we have decided from now on we are having "FOOD CLUB" once a month. What is "FOOD CLUB"? Well, Michael and Mike love to grill and smoke meats and Jenni and I love to cook and bake so once a month we will be getting together to try out new recipes and just enjoy spending time together. Let me tell you that when Mike and Michael get together there is never a dull moment. Jenni and I are happy as can be to talk about cooking and new recipes. There are not a lot of people that enjoy talking about that topic for HOURS so Jenni and I hit it off great! The menu was stuffed jalapenos, steak, ranch potatoes, sauteed mushrooms and Jenni made a delicious white chocolate cheesecake with chocolate shavings. Looking forward to "FOOD CLUB" next month!

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