Friday, March 15, 2013

A Beautiful Day Off

I had a wonderful day on my day off! Dylan started off his day by getting a filling and a tooth pulled so probably not the best day for him.

Michael and I took him to Winstead's for lunch so that made his day better.

Mason played outside most of the day and loved every minute of it.  Here he is enjoying some deck time.

Then nap time on the deck.

When Cass got home from school we enjoyed sitting on the deck also.

Then Michael and I went to Missie's Liquor Store and sampled some Irish beverages.

Mason getting ready to watch the KU game.  Actually he wore his jersey for 2 1/2 minutes and then he walked right out of it.

Our friend Brad came over for Sarpino's Pizza and to watch the KU game.  We had a great visit and 
a great game to watch.

It was my first day off in a long long time that I didn't think about work.  It was awesome!!

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