Friday, April 30, 2010

31 cent Scoops

We went to Baskin Robbins on Wednesday to get 31 cent scoops of ice cream. Everyone got two scoops since it was so cheap! Delicious!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Crawfish Festival

Last night was the 9th annual Crawfish Festival and it was so much fun. It was a great night with friends!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lunch Date

I had a special lunch date today. I brought Dylan a Subway sandwich, chips and a cookie to school and we sat and enjoyed a nice quiet, peaceful lunch in the lunchroom. (Ha, Ha)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Date Night

Last night Michael and I went on a nice little date. We went to Johnny Cascone's for dinner and we really enjoyed it. Then Michael took me to the Skies Restaurant for some drinks. Skies is located at the top of the Hyatt Regency and is the only revolving restaurant in Kansas City. The view and the atmosphere was very relaxing and the Mojitos were delicious. Our friend Susanne came over and spent some time with the kids. Susanne taught them two new games and they also made hot fudge sundaes. Thanks Susanne for coming over, the kids enjoyed spending time with you. I LOVE DATE NIGHT!!!! We need to have them more often.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Girls Weekend/Boys Weekend

Michael and Dylan went camping and fishing for the weekend and Cass and I stayed home. We were pretty lazy but we did go to the mall, Walmart, Kohls, Dress Barn and to a movie. We were going to go get pedicures but Cass got a blister on her foot and it was bleeding a little. Her sock actually got stuck on a part of her blister. It was a little gross.

Don't worry! We made it to Starbucks both mornings.

After a seeing a Dairy Queen commercial we immediately got in the car and got a blizzard. Cass had a caramel brownie blizzard and I had a midnight truffle blizzard. They were delicious.

Here is a picture of the boys leaving for their first boys weekend.

Dylan on the dock

Getting ready to go trout fishing.

This was their first trout fishing experience. They actually caught some and had them for dinner Saturday night.

Dylan kissing a fish head. Don't ask!!

Now the boys are off to the AC/DC concert and Cass and I are going to relax again without the boys.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Glasses

I can not believe I am posting pictures of me in glasses but my mom wanted to see them. Thanks Cheryl for helping me pick them out.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Washington Monument

Oh yeah~~~ A third grade project that consumed 4 hours of my life! What fun!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny arrived early at house this year. Cass and Dylan were searching for eggs and surprises at 7am.

After the egg hunt we got ourselves ready for our trip to Wichita. Before we left Michael and Dylan hung our American flag on our new flag pole. This was Michael's weekend project and he did a great job. Now we need to find some plants to put around the pole.

We drove to Wichita today to celebrate Michael's Granny's 97th birthday! We enjoyed a nice lunch and birthday cake. Happy Birthday Granny!!!!!

What would a trip to Wichita be if we didn't stop by Uncle Robert's house to play with his new toys??? His new toy this time was a Segway.
Michael, you look so adorable!!!

Grandpa A. even tried it out!!
Dylan played on the scooter!

I love this picture of Dylan, Grandpa A and Buster the dog!

Hope everyone had a great Easter!