Monday, September 30, 2013

Movie Time

Tonight we had movie night with our friend Alysha.  We saw Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs 2 and it was really cute.

Next movie night is in two weeks!  Thanks Alysha for always being my movie date!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Shatto Milk Company

Today we drove to Osborn, MO to take a tour of Shatto Milk Company. It was a gorgeous 70 degree day to be on a dairy farm. 

1954 Milk Truck

Bottling Shatto milk

Cows hooked up to the milking machines

Each cow produces gallons of milk a day because they are milked three times in one day.

We even got to put our thumbs in a clean (I think) milking machine to see how it feels.

All four of us got to milk a cow for the first time.  Here is Cass!!


I did it!  Milk actually came out!!


This calf was born last night so he was only a few hours old when we saw him.

Sampling yummy cheeses and butter made at Shatto Milk Company.  We also sampled different flavored milk: root beer milk, coffee milk, cotton candy milk, chocolate milk, birthday cake milk, strawberry milk and banana milk.

Of course we had to purchase items at the country store.  We bought root beer milk, birthday cake milk, lemonade, fruit punch and cheese curds.

On the way home we ate lunch at Grandstand Burgers.

Now it is movie time and homemade lemon mojitos.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dylan Update

Dylan got his orange fiberglass over his cast today and the doctor says it is looking good. He goes back next Tuesday for another x-ray to see if they can put a half cast or wrist cast on. Dylan is hoping for the wrist cast.  We will not know if the break has caused damage to the growth plate for another six months.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Weekend Needs To Be Longer

Where did the weekend go? At least the weather was perfect!  Saturday I went to my friend Katie's baby shower!  We had lots of fun and good food!

Katie and some of her old work friends!

Today Dylan stood on the sideline of his football game.  They won 20-0.

I have made some yummy recipes this weekend.  Today I made bubble up breakfast bake, strawberry lemonade cookies, burrito casserole and creamy rotel dip.  Last week I tried some other new recipes like blueberry biscuits, cheese tortellini soup, coca cola burgers, and brown sugar spiced pork tenderloin.

Tomorrow Dylan goes to the orthopedic doctor so I am anxious to see what he says.

Friday, September 13, 2013

She Did It!!

Cass Marie doesn't have a permit anymore!  She passed her driving test and written test and now she has her restricted license. She could have gotten her license a long time ago but she did NOT want to drive but now that she has been practicing she doesn't think it is so bad.

Good job Cass!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Broken Wrist

"Well, I was with two cheerleaders..." that is how the story starts. A story that makes a dad proud! The two eighth grade cheerleaders were in our back yard trying to raise Dylan up in the air and Dylan fell backwards and landed on his wrist.  I saw the whole thing out the kitchen window!

He has always thought it would be cool to have a cast but I think he has changed his mind after all of the pain.

Not a good picture but there was a definite deformity. GROSS

After two doses of morphine! They transported him to Children's Mercy because they did not want to mess with his wrist at Shawnee Mission Medical Center. We thought he was going to need surgery but the doctor sedated him and was able to put it back in place.

Dylan on a horse tranquilizer and with his awesome doctor.

Well, we almost went 13 years without anything broken. And no I did not have my camera, Michael took these pictures because I was not in the right mind set for that.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

First Football Game of the Season

Holy Moly!!! It was absolutely ridiculous that Dylan had to play a football game today! It was nasty out!!

My phone said 102 degrees!

Thank goodness Michael brought the canopy because that actually helped a little.  Well, not for the players but for Cass and I.

Go Dylan!

Please don't have a heat stroke!  YAY- we won by 6 points.

After the game we stopped and had dinner at Overtime Sports Bar and Grill.  

Now we will be sitting in the nice cool house for the rest of the evening.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Great Night with Friends

Tonight was so much fun! We had a wonderful dinner with friends at Sutera's and then several games of darts at the Clarette Club.  We even played foosball and haven't seen Betty that hysterical in years!!

Betty and I waiting for our chicken parmesan!

Michael wanted a quick picture with Betty also.

Darts at the Clarette Club!

Go Tony!!

What a great night with great friends, great food and great fun!

Friday, September 6, 2013


The four of us had a CRAPPY week so we needed to celebrate that it was over and we also celebrated Rachel's birthday.  Happy Birthday Rachel!!  We had a nice time at Johnny's Tavern with half price appetizers and cheap drinks:)

Then we went to the Red Balloon.  I had only heard about the Red Balloon but had never experienced it.  

Pete doing karaoke.

Chris and Stacey

Sheila with her fake lighter on her phone. I think she thought she was at a concert.

Hoping that next week goes better!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Fun Kansas Road Trip

We had a great time this weekend and we didn't even have to leave the state.  Dylan enjoyed his trip to Hutchinson on Uncle Robert's Harley.

Dylan and Uncle Robert

Cruisin' the open highway!

Hard hats and a breathing apparatus(you don't use it) and we were ready to go!!

Don't eat the salt!!

The salt mine is also used as storage.  It was cool to see old movie reels from Universal Studios.

They even store "Dorothy" from the movie TWISTER.

Digging for their own salt rocks.

We were hungry after the salt mine so we stopped in Yoder, Ks and ate at the Carriage Crossing.

Then we drove to Hedrick's Exotic Animal Farm and Bed and Breakfast. (Thanks Amber for the awesome idea!!)

We had the zebra suite.

The kids even had their own room with bunk beds.

This was our view from our room.  

Cass got to feed and pet her very favorite animal!  She was so happy.

Ben the Giraffe was eating a piece of sweet potato from my mouth.

I have lots of giraffe pictures because we loved them.

Hey, that is my camera!

Giraffe kisses

He was trying to eat Michael's hair.

Enjoying the sunset with Ben!

It was so cool to be able to feed kangaroos and pet them.

A couple of them had babies in the pouches and it was so adorable.

Dylan feeding a baby camel.

Cass bottle feeding a baby camel.  They were already big for being only 5 months old.

Camel rides!

Dylan having fun and it wasn't even "HUMP DAAAY"

Cass and I even rode a camel.  

After an absolutely wonderful time at the Hedrick's Exotic Animal Farm we drove to Rock City (a national landmark).

King of the Rock!

Michael and I even climbed some rocks.

It was kinda cool to see all of the rock formations.

Now I am enjoying an Orange Shandy while doing this blog.

And the kids are cleaning the car!

What a nice adventure in Kansas!!