Monday, May 31, 2010

Cajun Festival at the Amana Colonies

The Cajun festival was just a few feet away from our campsite. Michael brought back some craw fish, red beans and rice and chicken gumbo for lunch.

Sometimes it is fun to play with your food!

Dylan joined the Mardi Gras Parade

Cass and Michael were yelling to get some beads thrown at them.

Michael found a new friend and he was a dancing fool!

Yes, that is me on stage in the blue.

Dylan was invited to play the washboard on stage for three songs. He was on cloud nine!

NO, I did not show anything to get all of these beads!
We love Cajun/zydeco music! We danced and sang and had a great family outing!

Amana Colonies and Camping

We drove to the Amana Colonies in Iowa for Memorial Day weekend. Of course we did not expect to be camping in a new trailer but it did make it pretty exciting.

Boys will be boys!

We sat in Iowa's largest rocking chair. It was around 11 ft tall and weighed around 670 lbs.

Champion of the ladder game and the washers game.
We went to a German meat market and bought some brats for Michael to grill for lunch.

Eating cookies and drinking homemade root beer at the German bakery. We also ate cinnamon rolls for breakfast and they were delicious with lots of cream cheese frosting.

Turtle Latte! YUMMY

Memorial Day cookie cake!

The TV in the new trailer rotates and Cass thought is was so cool!

Cass hit her head on the cabinet door and Dylan was actually trying to take care of her.

Next post will be about the Cajun festival! We had a blast!

Out with the old, In with the New

Well, we went to Iowa this weekend with our trailer and came home with a new one. It was definitely one crazy camping adventure. We had such a fun weekend and I will be posting pictures of the weekend later.

Old! New!

Unpacking the old trailer! We really had this much stuff?????

New trailer!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Last Day of School

WOW! We no longer have a 3rd grader or a 7th grader. Today was the last day of school and we have one child who is thrilled and one who is a little sad.

Cass and her friend Natalie holding their yearbooks.

On the way home we stopped at Borders and they each got a new book for some fun summer reading!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Fun Day!!!

The weather was absolutely beautiful today so we took advantage of it and played outside. We played a family game of washers. Who won? Well, me of course!

Michael made something fun for dinner tonight. He grilled turtles. No, not real ones but bacon cheeseburger turtles.

We are now going to have a nice quiet evening inside with heartburn.