Sunday, September 13, 2009

There is a "first" for everything!!

We had many "firsts" this weekend. Friday night after we ate dinner at The Salty Iguana we went to our first Shawnee Mission Northwest High School football game. They did not win but it was still fun. Saturday morning Cass worked on her first big project in middle school. It was a leaf project and we had leaves EVERYWHERE. My poor kitchen!!!!!

Then my sister was passing through and we spent 1 1/2 hours together before Michael took her to the airport. We did not do anything exciting because there were leaves EVERYWHERE.

Saturday evening Dylan had his first football game ever!! It did not go so well because they lost 6-42 but he said that he had a lot of fun. Here is Michael giving him a pep talk before the game.

They needed exta help with the chains so Michael volunteered for the job but he was instructed to keep his mouth shut. Oh boy was that hard for him!!!

My little number 27!

Dylan, are you focused on the game or the cheerleaders?????

Today we took the kids to their first car show. Dylan was impressed that he was actually taller than a car. Our friend Pete had his car in the show and he was nice enough to pose for a picture.

Tonight I made Southwest Beef Pie and homemade salsa. Now I want to sit in my comfy chair and rest. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

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