Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Day of 2009

This is what we did today! Cass listened to her IPOD and was texting friends.

Michael took a nap!

Dylan worked in his workshop and made a shelf!

I made treats for New Year's Eve. I made puppy chow, homemade salsa and cheese dip!

We were in our pajamas by 6:30pm and watched movies with a nice fire.

I can not believe it is almost 2010! Hope it is a great year!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Spending Time with Friends

This morning my friend Kelly came over for muffins and coffee. My father-in law bought me a Keurig coffee maker for Christmas and she wanted to try it out. Kelly is my coffee buddy at work and we love to try different flavors. This morning we had MOOSE MUNCH from Harry and David. (Don't worry, I am not giving up my Starbucks!)

This afternoon I drove downtown to see a movie with my friend Katie. It was the first time I had ever driven downtown by myself. I was a nervous wreck but I did it. We went to the new AMC theater and saw "Up in the Air" and we enjoyed it. Afterwards we split Waffle Nachos (waffles fries with lots of yummy toppings) and chicken tenders. What a fun day with my friends!

Snow Pictures

I was looking out the front door and saw this tree across the street and thought it was really pretty. I told the kids to get their coats on because I was going to take a picture. They still had their pajamas on but you would never know.

Michael is planning on putting Christmas lights up that will dance to music next year so he went to the after Christmas sales and stocked up!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Cleaning (YUCK)

We did not have a lazy day yesterday! We moved furniture into the hallway and cleaned carpets. The four of us worked as a team cleaning and threw away a lot of junk. (I think at least 6 trash bags full of stuff we have not used or seen in a long time) Now for the people who know me, I HATE to clean (my sister got the cleaning/organizing gene) but when we all work together it actually is not that bad.

Michael even put the hardware up to hang my curtains properly. We have only lived in the house 8 years and it took him 5 minutes to do this little project! Thanks honey!

After a day of hard work, we decided to have some family fun with the Wii. We played table tennis, bowling and basketball!
Cass trying to bowl!

Dylan and Michael playing basketball! Dylan is shooting a basket in this picture!

He made the winning point!

"I beat daddy!"

"How did he do that?"

Then we ended the night with a movie! What a productive day!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Pictures

Sorry that I am just now posting Christmas pictures but I have been LAZY and have been loving it! Christmas morning I tried a new recipe called Sleepin in Omelet. It was so rich and delicious. We also had bacon and cinnamon rolls. (nothing healthy-oh we had juice)

Santa left Dylan a roller coaster that has a video camera attached and Cass got a micro SD card for her phone and Converse shoes.

Santa also left Dylan silly glasses that you can use as a straw.

My father-in-law came over for breakfast and presents.

Yea!! Cass got an IPOD touch!! She was so surprised!

Dylan got his own workshop and he was so surprised!!

Dylan playing outside with his new sled.

Michael making a snow slide in the back yard.

For our Christmas dinner, we had Roasted Beef Tenderloin, Twice Baked Potatoes and Green Beans.

What a great Christmas!! Cass didn't even want to let go of her new IPOD!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas! We sure did!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


My friend Katie HATES holiday inflatables so when we discovered this house with a ton of inflatables in the yard that you can walk through we decided to surprise her with it. We told her to close her eyes and Michael helped her out of the car and this is what she saw! She had a good laugh over this but she was afraid that she would have nightmares.

They even had an inflatable movie screen playing "Happy Feet".

Inflatables on the roof!

I can not believe that it is Christmas Eve and the shopping is finished and we are getting ready to go to my father-in-laws to have Christmas at his house. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!