Thursday, March 14, 2013

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight savings kicked my butt this week. I have been tired all week. I had a nice enjoyable day with Michael a few days ago.  We had a nice Starbucks breakfast and then he took me to the Auto Show where I found four cars I would like to purchase. Sorry Honey!!  Then I took him to lunch at Dukes on Grand where they have good sliders. When we got home I made these chocolate chip espresso bars which were pretty darn good.

Michael purchased a new cabinet for our bathroom.  Now I can get all of my stuff off of the counter.

I was a little sad because I got rid of something my husband made me 18 years ago.  When I opened the gift, I had no idea what the heck it was.  Then he told me what it was for and I have loved it ever since.  He made me a holder for my contact stuff.

After 18 years it started to look like this.  Kinda of warped and nasty due to contact solution spilling in it.  

My sister spent the night with us Tuesday and we had fun but the visit was way too short.

Tomorrow I have the day off so hopefully I will get some sleep and be productive!

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