Sunday, February 9, 2014

Where Did the Weekend Go?

We tried a new pizza place in town. It is called Pie Five Pizza and it is so delicious!!  It reminds of Subway because you pick the toppings and watch them make it.

Cass and I had the margherita pizza and we loved it.

We were able to pick up Cass from work and the four of us got to enjoy a yummy lunch together.

OK!  I know this is a silly picture but I am so excited about by new cups I got at Costco.  We have had the same darn cups for years and years and years.  Now I have new colorful cups! ( yes they are even dishwasher safe)

Eight small and eight large

Of course we had a basketball tournament this weekend and the Eagles got second.  Dylan did not want me to take a picture of the runner up medal so here he is being a pain!

Finally, I got a decent picture of him with his medal!

Michael made an awesome dinner tonight.  He made seasoned broiled pork chops and they were one of the best pork chops I have ever had.

I made snickers chex mix and Michael just informed me that it should be illegal so I am not sure if I will have any to take to work.

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