Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Money Museum and LC's BBQ

Today we stopped at the money museum at the Federal Reserve Bank on our way to eat bbq.

This was our first time visiting the museum.

Coins during the time of President Washington, President Adams and President Jefferson. They had coins from each presidency.  My dad would have loved seeing all of these old coins. 

I wish I had this gold bar!!

My kids are worth a lot of money:)

Playing around with Ben!

I also wish I had $40 million.

Cass designing her own money.


Cass and Dylan with their bag of shredded money!

This is the view when you walk out of the Federal Reserve Bank.

Lunch was at LC 's BBQ and it was good but it was also another dive. We have been trying to branch out these last two days:)

Beef, pork and sausage

We also put up our NCAA tournament brackets!  Dylan could not find tape so he used a bandaid.  Thank goodness it was not a used one.

I love Spring Break!!

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